
Hello there! My name is Nicole Graham and I am a graduate Internet Systems Developer. I am qualified to develop for both front-end and back-end solutions for websites, though as of February 2019, I only have six months industry experience. The coding & scripting languages I know are: Java, PHP, jQuery, AJAX, HTML5 & CSS3, and I plan to teach myself Python during the next few months.

If you would like to get in touch with me, you can find my LinkedIn profile here, or you can e-mail me at:


Personal Projects

I have been actively trying to improve my web develop skills for the last five years. The first website that I managed to finish and host online can be found here, with a screenshot of the home page located below;

Nicole's first website

In my free time, I enjoy creating themes for tumblr blogs. Screenshots of some of my efforts can be seen below, with links to live versions coming soon.

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